
会員数:企業・団体 会員ログイン

ニュース 2020年

★Newsletter February 2020★



○ 2020年2月3日(月)GCNJは国際連合大学本部ビル(通称:国連大学本部ビル)にて執務を開始します。

〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前5-53-70 国連大学本部ビル3階
Tel:03-6803-8155 URL http://www.ungcjn.org/


GCNJ会員数 348 企業および団体




ビジネスと人権ロイヤーズネットワーク(BHR Lawyers)とGCNJ及び多くの団体が協力して、このガイドラインが作られました。「救済へのアクセス」は、「国連ビジネスと人権指導原則(UNGPs)」の3つの柱のひとつ。企業が人権デューデリジェンスとともに取り組む “対話”のためのガイドラインです。詳しくは、会員サイト>事務局からのお知らせ(12月27日)


1月17日(金)、国連大学ビルにて、PRI/GCNJ共催セミナー「急変する時代における責任投資と企業の中長期価値の向上」を開催し、約160名が参加しました。スチュワードシップ活動、コーポレートガバナンスの深化および高度化が求められている中での検討課題、また企業や投資家の関心事や課題を共有し、熱い議論が行われました。2020年10月には、PRIのグローバル・カンファレンス(PRI in Person)が初めて日本で開催される予定で、世界中の投資家の日本への関心が一層高まることと思います。それに向けて、これからも企業の皆様と議論する場を設けたいと思いますので、引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。


・ビデオメッセージ(Lise Kingo, CEO & Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact)-13:20
・2020年度 SDGs取組に関する実態調査報告 横石次長,小野田真二様(IGES) 13:20-13:30
・GIIの解説・プロジェクトキックオフ説明 土井特命プロジェクト統括 13:30-13:40
・基調講演(江守正多様 国立環境研究所 地球環境研究センター 副センター長)13:40-14:20
(休憩 14:20-14:40)
・パネルディスカッション ・進行: GCNJ河口理事 (14:40-15:50)
テーマ:Climate Crisisにこう立ち向かう




・Business sector 10,561
・Non-Business sector 3,459

★ News from GCNJ ★

○ GCNJ Moves to New Office in UNU Headquarters Building on February 3, 2020

Having been notified that the paperwork with the relevant government agencies for the move to UNU Headquarters Building was complete, GCNJ began working out of its new offices on the third floor of the building on February 3. Our original plans were to relocate in November 2019, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by the long delay. We are also very grateful for all of the support and cooperation of our members and so many others.
Our new address and contact information are below.
UN University Headquarters Building 3F
Jingumae 5-53-70, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001
Tel: +81-3-6803-8155
URL: http://www.ungcjn.org/

A map and directions to the new offices are available on our website. Please check there for more information.

○ GCNJ Membership Update (Current as of Jan. 23, 2020)

348 companies and organizations

○ Report: “Stakeholder Common Request” was announced which request to reflect in Japan NAP in a meaningful and concrete manner

Shared “Stakeholder Common Request” was announced at the National Action Plan (NAP) on Business and Human Rights Stakeholder Briefing on January 23, 2020. These needs and issues cover five categories, each handled by a working group of members and organizations involved in the process of putting together the NAP, and were submitted to the Japanese government in November 2019.
For more information (in Japanese), see the GCNJ news section (Jan. 27) on the member website.

〇Report: “Engagement” and “Remedy” Guidelines for Promotion of Responsible Business Conduct and Responsible Supply Chains (First Edition) Released

GCNJ worked with the Business and Human Rights Lawyers Network Japan (BHR Lawyers) and a lot of other organizations to create these guidelines. Access to Remedy is one of the three pillars of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). The guidelines are designed to steer engagement as companies exercise human rights due diligence. For more information (in Japanese), see the GCNJ news section (Dec. 27) on the member website.

○ Report: GCNJ and PRI Co-host Seminar on “Responsible Investment and Medium- and Long-Term Corporate Value in the Age of Change”

GCNJ and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) co-hosted a seminar on “Responsible Investment and Medium- and Long-Term Corporate Value in the Age of Change” at UN University Headquarters on January 17. With some 160 from both GCNJ’s member and non-member companies and organizations participants attending, the seminar explored topics that arise as businesses are expected to take a more profound and sophisticated stance on stewardship and corporate governance. Corporate firms and investors were invited to share their interests and challenges in an earnest discussion of these topics. With the PRI in Person global conference taking place in Japan for the first time in October 2020, we believe interest in the country will grow among global investors. GCNJ will therefore continue to provide opportunities for discussions with business people and invite you to join us.

○ News: GCNJ Annual Symposium (Mar. 5, 2020)

Date/time: March 5 (Thu), 2020, 13:00 – 16:00
Location: Yurakucho Asahi Hall
Program:“Exploring the Future for Companies in the Face of Dramatic Paradigm Shift to Net Zero Emissions”
Opening Remarks — Toshio Arima, Chairman of the Board, GCNJ
13:00 – 13:15 Video Message — Lise Kingo, CEO & Executive Director, United Nations Global Compact
13:20 Report on Status of SDGs Initiatives in Fiscal 2020 — GCNJ Deputy Executive Director Kunihiko Yokoishi and IGES Shinji Onoda
13:20 – 13:30 GII Description and Project Kick-Off Briefing — Assistant to Chairman of the Board, Director for Special Mission Akira Doi
13:30 – 13:40 Keynote Address — Seita Emori, Deputy Director, Center for Global Environmental Research, National Institute for Environmental Studies)
Intermission 14:20 – 14:40 Panel Discussion
Moderator: GCNJ Board Member Mariko Kawaguchi
14:40 – 15:50 Theme: Confronting the Climate Crisis
Panelists: 4 (GCNJ members: manufacturer, disaster prevention and mitigation, investor, and non-life insurance company)
15:50 – 16:00 Closing Remarks — GCNJ Board Member Toshihiko Goto

This is the largest event of the year co-hosted by GCNJ and IGES. We are looking forward to seeing all of you at this event.

Registration: Please register at the website below (in Japanese). Note that the registration deadline is Feb. 29 (Sat), 2020.

★ Latest UN Global Compact Developments ★

○ Global Membership Update (Current as of Jan. 28, 2020)

Business sector: 10,561
Non-business sector: 3,459