
Message from Chairman of the Board

会員数500社・団体に到達のご報告と御礼A message of gratitude and acknowledgement to our member companies and partners on reaching the milestone of 500 participants



日本では、2001年 1 月のキッコーマン社が加盟第一号でした。国連グローバル・コンパクトは世界で国別組織を展開していますが、日本の組織は、2003年に国連広報センターの一角で発足しました。2008年には、経営者を中心とする理事会と企業出向者による事務局を設け、分科会やAKK(明日の経営を考える会)など、会員が中心となって活動を展開する体制に移行しました。会費制度による自立化も図りました。その後2011年には一般社団法人になり、2020年には国連大学本部に事務所を移転するなど、この20年間でGCNJは大きく変貌しましたが、私たちの重要な役割が「企業の挑戦を促し支援する」ことに変わりはありません。



代表理事 有馬利男

Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ) was founded in 2003. Almost 20 years on, I am happy to announce that we reached the milestone of 500 business and non-business members as of July 2022. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all our member companies as well as our partners for their kind support and cooperation over the years.

The United Nations Global Compact was created through a UN General Assembly resolution in July 2000. But the origin of this initiative dates back to 1999 when Kofi Annan, then UN Secretary-General, proposed the establishment of an organization for the UN and the private sector to work together in order to give a human face to the global market, by implementing the Global Compact 10 Principles in the four areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

Kikkoman Corporation was the first Japanese company to join the Global Compact in January 2001. GCNJ, the Japanese local network, was launched in 2003 within the UN Information Centre in Tokyo and has since been joined by many local networks across the globe. In 2008, we shifted to a structure that is run primarily by member companies, with a board consisting of business leaders, a secretariat staffed by employees of member companies through secondments, with programmes of member-run activities including working groups and AKK, a leadership incubation programme. We increased our independence with a membership fee system. We registered as a general incorporated association in 2011 and relocated our office to the United Nations University Headquarters in 2022. While GCNJ has transformed itself over the two decades, our primary mission, to facilitate and support businesses to take on challenges, remain unchanged.

The UN Global Compact is mandated by a UN General Assembly resolution as one of the key initiatives working to achieve the SDGs. Kofi Annan created the Millennium Development Goals, the predecessor to the SDGs, two months after the birth of the Global Compact, and he launched the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) initiative, which promotes the ESG principles, as well as the Working Group on Business and Human Rights (BHR), just before his retirement as UN Secretary-General. As an organization following in his footsteps, we seek to give a human face to the global market, leveraging both the global organization and GCNJ as platforms to further the SDGs built on ESG and BHR Principles.

Our 500 GCNJ member organizations represent a total revenue share of \175 trillion and a total workforce of 7.7 million employees, according to data available from our 462 business participants. This means we have now joined hands with 7.7 million likeminded individuals to give a human face to the global market. Our growth has accelerated in the three years under the Covid pandemic, and we will diligently work towards further growth. GCNJ is committed to serve as a platform for your activities, and I appreciate your continued support and engagement.

September 2022

Toshio Arima
GCNJ Chairman of the Board
Global Compact Network Japan


