
会員数:企業・団体 会員ログイン

ニュース 2020年

★Newsletter July 2020★









新任のCSR ご担当者等をはじめ、CSR や国連グローバル・コンパクト(UNGC)に関する基礎的事項を習得されたい方を対象にCSR基礎セミナーを開催します。開催案内および参加者募集は、詳細が確定し次第、新着情報でご案内いたします。
・日程:2020年9月2日(水)-9月4日(金) 3日間連続 いずれも9:30-16:50(予定)
・テーマ:UNGC&SDGs と「人権」「労働」「環境」「腐敗防止」「ESG投融資」など

【報告】国連グローバル・コンパクト創立20 周年バーチャルリーダーズ・サミット開催

国連グローバル・コンパクト創立20周年記念のイベントとして、リーダーズ・サミットが6月15-16日にオンラインで開催されました。「Recover Better, Recover Stronger, Recover Together」という大きなテーマを掲げる本サミットは、国連事務総長をはじめとする世界の政財界のリーダー、日本の各界のリーダーに加え、国連グローバル・コンパクト・ボードメンバー、GCNJ理事でもある国際航業呉文繍代表取締役会長がパネリストとして登壇し、健康、不平等および気候変動など、COVID-19によりあぶり出された前例のない危機に対応したリーダーシップについて議論を交わしました。約26時間にも及ぶオンラインサミットは2万2千人もの人々が参加し、架空の会場を催した特設サイトには180カ国からサステナビリティ分野の専門家と有識者が集まりました。ご参加頂きました皆さま、ありがとうございました。レポートは以下ページをご覧ください。



・Business sector 11,166
・Non-Business sector 3,479


東京都には、6月18日(木)休業要請が解除され、経済活動も徐々に再開、国連大学本部ビルのある表参道も人通りが戻りつつあります。一方で、休業要請解除後も東京都では、1日の新規感染者数が50人を超えるなど、予断を許さない状況が続き、また、第二次感染も、依然大きな脅威です。会員企業・団体の皆様のお話では、オフィスでのリアルのワークとテレワークの組み合わせや、シフト、出張業務の自粛などを設けての対応が続いているようです。国連大学本部ビルには、未だ厳しい入館制限が敷かれ、GCNJにも「原則在宅勤務」を継続せざるを得ません。こうした中で、国連グローバルコンパクト(NY本部)は、6月15日(月)16日(火)の連続26時間にわたり、リーダーズ・サミットをオンラインで開催し、世界中から述べ約2万人の参加を集めました。国連関連のイベントでは、過去最大の規模となったようです。国連グローバル・コンパクト20周年の節目に、“Recover Better, Recover Stronger, Recover Together”を統一テーマに、アントニオグテーレス事務総長、また、この6月に退任された、国連グローバル・コンパクト、リセ・キンゴCEOの基調講演に始まり、世界中の識者やリーダーから、コロナ禍をいかに乗り越え、GC10原則、SDGsを基軸に未来社会をどのように構築して行くか、ポリシーや具体論が語られています。日本からも多くの会員様に参加をいただきました。


Our working groups launched their 2020 activities in June, primarily online. We look forward to your support over the coming year. This July 2020 issue of our newsletter offers information on our latest activities in and outside of Japan, including an addition to the CSR Procurement Self-Assessment Tool Kit and a report on the Leadership Summit.

Report: Annual Meeting Held on 5 June 2020

The 2020 Annual Meeting was held as scheduled. The meeting was chaired by Toshio Arima, Chairman of the Board, and all resolutions were passed by unanimous consent. The meeting was a combination of in-person and virtual (via Zoom) attendance, the first such hybrid meeting for GCNJ. There is still work to be done on a number of issues — from disseminating information before the event to keeping the meeting moving smoothly — and GCNJ appreciates every one of our members for their patience and support.

Notice: CSR Procurement Self-Assessment Tool Kit (Response Guide)

This guide brings together expertise and materials collected by the Supply Chain Working Group to help facilitate responses to the questionnaire (common SAQ) included in the CSR Procurement Self-Assessment Tool Kit, #9 for the Useful Series, published in July 2017. The GCNJ Office still occasionally receives letters from people outside the organization asking about how to fill out the SAQ form. We hope this guide helps ensure more accurate SAQ responses.

Notice: CSR Basics Seminar (2-4 September 2020)

We will hold a CSR Basics Seminar for newly appointed CSR managers and others who wish to learn the basics about CSR and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). Information about the seminar and applications for participation will be posted in the GCNJ News section as details are confirmed.
Dates: 2-4 September 2020, 9:30 - 16:50 (tentative) each day
Format: Online (Zoom)
Fee: Free for GCNJ members, 30,000 yen (includes tax) per non-member
Topics: UNGC & SDGs, human rights, labor, environment, anti-corruption, and ESG investment and financing, etc.

Report: Leaders Summit took place virtually on 15-16 June

The UN Global Compact Leaders Summit took place virtually on 15-16 June under the theme of “Recover Better, Recover Stronger, Recover Together.” Over 20,000 business and sustainability leaders from more than 180 countries participated in the 26-hour virtual summit that marked the 20th anniversary of the UN Global Compact. Nobuo Tanaka, Chairman of The Sasakawa Peace Foundation, Kaoru Nemoto, Director of UN Information Centre Tokyo, and Sandra Wu Wen-Hsiu, Chairperson and CEO of Kokusai Kogyo joined the President of the UN General Assembly and UN Secretary-General alongside dozens of Chief Executive Officers and UN chiefs at the Summit to address the private sector’s response to three unprecedented and interconnected global crises — health, inequality and climate change. The Leaders Summit also marked the transition to new leadership for the UN Global Compact, with Sanda Ojiambo of Kenya taking over from Denmark’s Lise Kingo as Executive Director.

Global Membership Update (Current as of 30 June 2020)

・Business sector 11,166
・Non-Business sector 3,479

◇ Executive Director’s Message ◇

In Tokyo, the request for some businesses to close was lifted on June 18. As economic activity gradually resumes, people are returning to the Omotesando area where the UN University Headquarters building is located. Even though the request for closure was lifted, the situation remains unpredictable, with more than 50 new infections appearing every day in Tokyo, and so a second wave of infections remains a threat. Our member companies and organizations report that they continue to combine in-office and telework, adapt shifts, and suspend business travel. Access to the UN University Headquarters building remains very restricted, requiring GCNJ staffers to work from home for the most part. In light of these conditions, the United Nations Global Compact (New York Headquarters) hosted the Leaders Summit on June 15 – 16 online. The summit took place over 26 consecutive hours and was attended by 20,000 individuals from around the world. This was the largest ever UN-related event. The summit marked the Global Compact's 20th anniversary, focusing on the theme "Recover Better, Recover Stronger, Recover Together." United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres and former GCNJ CEO & Executive Director Lise Kingo, who ended her term this June, opened the summit with keynote addresses. These were followed by discussions among leaders and experts from around the world on policies and concrete ideas for overcoming the novel coronavirus and building a world based on the GC10 Principles and SDGs. Many members from Japan also participated in this Summit.
With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the number of companies and organizations that have signed the Global Compact, both in Japan and around the world, continues to increase. As the many challenges the global community faces are laid bare for all to see, we are keenly aware once again of the expectations the world has of the Global Compact and the role it plays as an international initiative for building a sustainable world. Despite the fact that 2020 activities were delayed at the start of the new fiscal year in April, we saw a record number of 1,700 individuals register for our working groups after the Annual Meeting on June 5. We will reset our schedule and expand our activities for the second half of the term, making full use of online and digital resources and finding new ways to plan and operate. I appreciate your continued support and cooperation.
Videos, documents, and other materials from the online UN GC 20th Anniversary Leaders Summit are now available on the UN Global Compact website. Be sure to check the URL below.
