ニュース 2020年
★Newsletter June 2020★
【お知らせ】 GCNJのウェブサイトに「新型コロナウイルス感染症対策への取り組み」ページを新設
【分科会関連】2020 年度13分科会活動の開始
2020 年度の分科会参加募集を行い、延べ1,712名のご登録を頂きました。13すべての分科会で活動が開始します。
【お知らせ】 国連グローバル・コンパクトの新事務局長にSanda Ojiamboが任命されました
国連事務総長アントニオ・グテーレスは2020年5月22日、国連グローバル・コンパクトの新しいCEO兼事務局長にサファリコム(Safaricom)のサンダ・オジャンボ氏(Sanda Ojiambo)を任命しました。詳細は以下ページをご覧ください。
【再・お知らせ】国連グローバル・コンパクト創立20 周年バーチャルリーダーズ・サミット開催(2020年6月15-16日)
【お知らせ】 国連本部のグローバルアンケート調査への協力のお願い
・Business sector 11,013
・Non-Business sector 3,458
1都3県における緊急事態宣言が解除されました。ただ、第二次感染は、依然大きな脅威です。また、雇用、事業継続、教育、格差・生活の困窮、メンタルヘルスなど露呈した様々な社会の弱点、リスクが同時に残存する中で、影響が長期に及ぶことを踏まえ、段階的に警戒と連帯を緩めることなく、社会・経済活動の復旧への参画が求められています。企業の中には、原点に立ち返り、中長期計画の根本から見直して、企業経営の在り方を再考するとの声も聞かれます。この未曽有の転換点に、GCNJにも、Post Corona, With Corona, の時代に、With GC10, SDGsをもっていかに貢献が果たせるか、多くの会員の皆様との知恵・実践の共有、対話を通して、さらに取り組んでまいります。6月から当面Zoom主体になりますが、分科会も開始します。新しい企画にもチャレンジしてまいります。今、この時にこそ、皆様の積極的な参画を切望しております。
国連広報センターのウェブサイトでは、国連75周年・1分間アンケート(日本語) -対話に参加しよう、変化を起こそう #UN75が始まっています。是非ご協力ください。
This June 2020 issue of our newsletter includes news about recent activities, including the status of working groups for fiscal 2020 and our Virtual Leaders Summit.
Notice: Page on measures to combat novel coronavirus added to GCNJ website
A new page, Combatting the Novel Coronavirus, has been added to the GCNJ website. The purpose of this platform is to share information on measures being taken to combat COVID-19, approaches of member companies and organizations to business continuity, disaster relief measures, promotion of staggered commuting and telework, and other initiatives that help make the world a better place.
News on Working Groups: Start of 13 working group activities for 2020
A total of 1,712 people registered to participate in working groups in fiscal 2020, with a total of 13 working groups active this year.
Notice: the appointment of Sanda Ojiambo of Kenya as Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of Sanda Ojiambo of Kenya as Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact on 22 May 2020. As the second woman to be appointed in the role, she will succeed Lise Kingo of Denmark to whom the Secretary‑General is deeply grateful for her dedication and strategic leadership in steering the work of the Global Compact.
Notice (Resend): UN Global Compact 20th Anniversary Virtual Leaders Summit (15 -16 June 2020)
Due to the postponement of the Leaders Summit, the UN Global Compact will commemorate its 20th anniversary with an 20th Anniversary Virtual Leaders Summit held online on 15 - 16 June 2020. The two-day global virtual event is complimentary for UN Global Compact Participants, Signatories, Government Officials, and United Nations Representatives. For Non Business and Non Global Compact members the fee for the Virtual Summit is $99 USD. Information on the summit programme, registration, and other details are available in the GCNJ news section (23 April) at the URL below (in Japanese).
Notice: Request for participation in global UN75 survey
2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. The Secretary-General has launched the “UN75” online survey for people everywhere to share their thoughts around current and emerging global trends, and to have a conversation with as many people as possible to spark ideas for building the future we want, particularly youth. Please take a minute to fill out this brief survey which is only one minute long and available in many languages. Please also share the survey with as many of your and colleagues as you can to make this anniversary a turning point.
Global Membership Update (Current as of 31 May 2020)
・Business sector 11,013
・Non-Business sector 3,458
Please see the website below for the latest numbers of UN Global Compact members worldwide.
◇ Executive Director’s Message ◇
The state of emergency has been lifted in the Tokyo metropolitan area and three remaining prefectures. A second wave of infection, however, still remains a major threat. Given the long-term impact and the existing societal vulnerabilities and risks in employment, business continuity, education, disparity, day-to-day poverty, and mental health that the pandemic has exposed, we must move gradually and methodically back to social and economic activity without letting down our guard and losing our sense of solidarity. Some companies are talking about going back to the basics and rethinking the very foundations of medium- and long-term plans to reconsider their entire approach to running their businesses. At this unprecedented crossroads, GCNJ will continue to focus on sharing knowledge, practices, and dialogue with our many members on how we can contribute by bringing the 10 GC principles and the SDGs to a Post Corona or With Corona era. Working group sessions will begin in June, relying primarily on Zoom online meetings for the time being. We are eager to take on the challenges of new projects and look forward to your active participation, which is so very necessary in times like these.
The website of the United Nations Information Centre in Japan is also offering the one-minute survey to mark the 75th Anniversary of the UN. We encourage people to participate in the dialogue and help make change for #UN75. We hope that everyone will take part in the survey, available in Japanese here: