
会員数:企業・団体 会員ログイン

ニュース 2020年

★Newsletter April 2020★




○【報告】SDGs日本企業調査レポート2019年度版 「ESG時代におけるSDGsとビジネス~日本における企業・団体の取組み現場から~」発刊(2020年3月5日)






○【お知らせ】 年次総会・ラーニングフォーラム(6月5日)

■日時:2020年6月5日(金) 13:00開場予定

〇【お知らせ・再送】 国連グローバル・コンパクト創立20 周年リーダーズ・サミット開催(2020 年6 月15~16 日)

3月31日(火)時点のお知らせをいたします。3月19日(木)にGCO(NY)がホストしたウェブ会議におきまして、リーダーズサミットのGo/No Goの結論を出すタイミングは、4月1日(水)以降との通知を受けております。ご存知の通り、米国及びNY州には、急速な事態の収束は到底見込めない状況ではありますが、正式連絡を待ちまして、既に参加登録を完了された会員の皆さまをはじめ、皆さまへの詳細連絡を申し上げます。


・Business sector 10,668
・Non-Business sector 3,423



企業人として、市民また家庭人として、この未曽有の危機にやるべきこと、役割と責任があります。中途半端な躊躇の暇はありません。2月から3月は、分科会、年次シンポジウムなど、多くの活動を延期または中止せざるを得ない状況となりましたが、DRR 分科会には、「DRR【緊急】新型コロナウィルス対策・緊急ズーム分科会」を開催いただき、多くのご好評意見が寄せられました。今だからこそ、世の中が必要としていることが、目の前にうず高く聳えていることを実感した一コマでした。GCNJには、混乱の中で、新年度を迎えることとなりますが、想像もしなかったこの時勢に、従来の事業の枠に囚われない、果敢で意義ある活動を展開してゆくために、今後とも倍旧のご支援とご協力をお願い申し上げます。

◇アントニオ・グテーレス事務総長の呼びかけ◇ (2020 3.12 WHOパンデミック宣言の翌日に)

「私たちはみな共通の脅威 新型コロナウィルス感染症(COVID19)に直面しています。今日のパンデミック宣言は、すべての人にあらゆる場所で行動をとることを呼びかけています。これはまた国々人々に責任と連帯を呼びかけるものです。ウィルスと闘いつつ恐怖を蔓延させてはいけません。ともに協力すれば私たちは、まだこのパンデミックの行方を変えられます。これは不作為に対抗することを意味します。正しい科学はこう言います。もし各国が検出・検査・治療・隔離・追跡、そしてその対応に人々を動員すれば、感染拡大を緩和することができると、私は、すべての政府に対し、さらなる取組、さらなる規模拡大の努力を今すぐ行うことを求めます。これは、すべての人に影響を及ぼす危機です。私たちは、みなそれぞれの役割を担わねばなりません。命を落とした人々、そして今も苦しむ多くの家族に哀悼の意を表し、最も弱い立場の人々、高齢者、病人、ヘルスケアを受けられない人々、そして貧困の淵にいる人々に連帯を示さなければなりません。決意をもって差別や偏見なしに解決に向けて前進しましょう。国連はしかるべき役割を果たします。ともにこの脅威を克服しましょう。」

★ News from GCNJ ★

Daily life is moving into unfamiliar territory as the novel coronavirus spreads across the world,new cases of the infection are confirmed daily in Japan, and companies here introduce staggered commutes, teleworking, and other measures to prevent the spread of infection. Everyone is urged to stay vigilant in taking measures to prevent infection and stay healthy.
GCNJ has a variety of activities planned for fiscal 2020. We began accepting applications for our working groups participants on April 1. This April 2020 issue of our newsletter reports on the latest GCNJ news.

Report: SDGs Research Report “SDGs and Business in the ESG Era: Actions by Companies and Organisations in Japan" (Published March 5, 2020)

GCNJ and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) have published the SDGs Research Report “SDGs and Business in the ESG Era: Actions by Companies and Organisations in Japan.” This report summarizes the findings of the latest survey of efforts by Japanese companies to address the SDGs. Now in its fourth year, the report analyzes the changes over time in (1) the level of recognition of SDGs among GCNJ members (335 companies and organizations) and (2) the efforts of members to address these goals. It is based on the results of a survey of GCNJ members and interviews with 16 financial institutions and business corporations. At the same time, the report also examines ESG measures, which are attracting attention as a new business management strategy, from the perspectives of both financial institutions and business corporations. The report also includes case studies from the financial institutions and companies interviewed as references for developing SDG and ESG initiatives. Please see the website below for more details. An English language version of the report is currently being prepared.

Notice: GCNJ Annual Meeting and Learning Forum (June 5, 2020)

(Information current as of March 31)
There have been no changes to previous information regarding the 2020 Annual General Meeting and Learning Forum, and we are moving forward with preparations. However, we will continue to monitor the situation closely as the novel coronavirus continues to spread. We will provide more details as soon as we have confirmed, including requests for in-person attendees to use masks and disinfectants and maintain a certain amount of distance between seats to protect the safety of our members.
Date: June 5 (Fri.), 2020 afternoon
Location: Hall at Tokyo Women’s Plaza

Notice (Resend): UN Global Compact 20th Anniversary Leaders Summit (June 15–16, 2020)

(Information current as of March 31)
During the web conference hosted by the GCO (NY) on March 19, we were informed that the final decision on whether the Leaders’ Summit will go ahead is to be made after April 1. As you know, the situation in New York and the U.S. in general is not expected to be settled quickly as the coronavirus spreads. We are waiting for official notification and will contact members and those who have already registered for the summit with more information.
June 15 14:30 – 20:00 @UN General Assembly Hall, United Nations Headquarters
June 16 8:00 – 18:00 @The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, 429 11th Ave, New York

Latest UN Global Compact Developments

Global Membership Update (Current as of March 31, 2020)
・Business sector 10,668
・Non-Business sector 3,423
Please see the website below for the latest numbers of UN Global Compact members worldwide.

Latest numbers of UN Global Compact members worldwide

◇ Executive Director’s Message ◇

As businesspeople, citizens, and family members, we have a role and responsibility to play in this unprecedented crisis. This is no time to hesitate or waver. Although many activities, including those of our working groups and our Annual Symposium, have had to be postponed or cancelled, the DRR working group held their DRR (Urgent) Emergency Zoom Meeting on Novel Coronavirus Countermeasures. The feedback from the meeting was extremely useful, and it served as a shining example, I think, of what the world needs at a time like this. Although we have begun the new fiscal year in the midst of much confusion, GCNJ asks for your continued support and cooperation as we work to develop bold, meaningful activities that transcend business as usual in these unimagined times.

◇Call for solidarity from António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations◇ (On March 12, 2020, the day after the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic)

All of us face a common threat — the coronavirus, COVID-19. Today's declaration of a pandemic is a call to action for everyone, everywhere. It is also a call for responsibility and solidarity as nations united and as people united. As we fight the virus, we cannot let fear go viral. Together we can still change the course of this pandemic, but that means addressing inaction. The best science tells us if countries detect, test, treat, isolate, trace, and mobilize their people in response, we can go a long to mitigating transmission. I call on every government to step up and scale up their efforts now. And since this is a crisis that affects everyone, we must all play our part. As we mourn all those who have lost their lives and the many families who are suffering, we must show solidarity with the most vulnerable — the elderly, the sick, those without reliable healthcare, and those on the edge of poverty. Let's move forward with resolve and without stigma. You can count on the UN to do our part. Let us overcome this common threat, together.